Plenty of activities nearby

Lean-tos, a smoke sauna and a bird tower

In addition to our our high-quality cottages, we have plenty of activities. We have a large lean-to, a traditional smoke sauna and a calming bird tower nearby.

In the winter, you can ski and ride the snowmobile in the nearby terrain. In. the autumn picking berries and mushrooms is a popular activity. You can also go hiking, swimming or fishing!


You will find many lean-tos very close to our estate. They are lovely places to spend time around the year. The bigger ones are suitable also for bigger groups.

All the  lean-tos are close by, and even children can walk there. You will be able to grill sausages and make coffee there. 

Smoke sauna

When you wish to enjoy a genuine countryside atmosphere, rent our smoke sauna with a yard! A proper session in a smoke sauna relaxes your body and mind.

You can also find the smaller Kutuaitta (”Breeding shed”) near the smoke sauna, which is perfect for couples to stay in.

Reindeer Bar

Our estate also has a speciality: Porobaari – Reindeer Bar! In this old bar, built inside an old ground cellar, you can enjoy new kinds of experiences in candle light. The bar seats 10 people at one time.

Bird Tower

If you are interested in bird-watching, you can do that close to the estate. The bird tower is located at the back of a bay a short rowing trip away, but you can also get there by walking along the shore.

You can visit the bird tower also when you just want to watch and relax.

Lovely highlanders

Nearby all the cottages live our adorable higlanders. Meet Sepe,  Sulo,  Raimo and the other friends out there. They are waiting for you to visit them!

Outdoor activities



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